Sea waves form an essential part of ocean behavior. They help in monitoring and forecasting the weather. Apart from their scientific importance, they help in shaping the coastlines and carving rocks. Hence, they are the inspiration for the Satinski wave rings.
Waves represent the movement of energy within the sea. Both the winds and gravity cause these waves. Waves are essential to form the ecosystem of the coasts. They shape the shores and carve the rocks with their force and pressure.
People associate waves with many things, including their love for surfing, fun, happy times, etc. The sea is never entirely still, and people always expect to see the waves at the horizon. The lovers of adventure and water sports wait for every opportunity to spot and ride a giant ocean wave on their surfboards.
A wave ring symbolizes the ups and downs of life. Like a surfer catching waves, it symbolizes us and how we deal and overcome challenges in life. As one of our favorite quotes says: “You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.” Similarly, are our life challenges, we can not avoid, but we can make the best out of them.
Waves are also a constant movement of energy. Sometimes this energy can be calming and soothing, but other times it evokes enormous power and strength. Therefore, it also symbolizes power, vigor, and might force. It talks about the power and energy within us, our yin and yang.
What an immaculate piece of jewelry that is simple and modern. A wave ring that breathes the freshness of the ocean and that waves that lash on to the shore. Flawlessly crafted from a premium quality sterling silver metal base, hand-polished to a sparkling shine. Clean simulated opal inlay that shimmers against the light, a perfect color for couples that are believed to be connected to love, loyalty, and deep passion.
Have a look at this divine and elegant wave ring made from 92.5% of sterling silver. A high-quality grade metal that’s is hypoallergenic durables. We bring you a ring depicting an ocean wave, buffed into a mirror-like and satin-smooth surface, a ring that suited as a fashion or couple’s ring for its clean and straightforward design.
Featuring an example of perfection and elegance crafted into a contemporary ocean wave ring design. Seamlessly made from excellent quality 925 sterling silver metal, hand polished and sometimes intricately paved with brilliantly cut round micro cubic zirconia crystals that brought the rings luxuriousness to the next level. Grab one and show off your extraordinary and modern taste in fashion and style.
Be one with the ocean and feel its depth and tranquil state by gazing upon this dreamlike and mystic wave ring. Exquisitely fashioned from premium grade 92.5% sterling silver metal, accentuated with simulated blue opal inlay design. The color play and the sparkling illusion of the central motif, making you dream of the ocean and reminds you that there is peace and tranquility after the wave has passed.
Wave rings are sometimes fashioned like a heart wave. This design is famous for couples due to its connection to the heart. It’s like saying that his heart is only beating because of you. Heartbeat symbol denotes life, a life with your special someone, a promise of a shared experience in marriages, until my dying breaths as we frequently hear.
Heart waves are also a symbol of survivors. These are for people who have experienced life-threatening situations where they push forward and fought death face on. Wave rings are a symbol of appreciating life, a second life that one was fortunate enough to be given with. A reminder of how fragile and precious one’s life is, it needs to be celebrated for we have no inkling what the impending future may bring.
Surfers would tell you how exhilarating, powerful and free they surf. The vastness of the ocean and make them feel free, especially when they ride and become one with the wave. It’s a dangerous sport that had claimed lives, but still, numerous individuals are addicted to this daring water sport. A surfer needs to understand the wave, how to maneuver with the tide and use its power to move up towards the beach. Being able to absorb the energy of the ocean wave and overcome rocky bumps that threaten your growth.
Wave teaches a valuable lesson of courage, a wave ring denotes courage to face any hardships that are yet to come. When you see a stationary wall, one would feel hopeless when you have no idea how thick or string the wall is. But still, you move forward, you try to look for a way to cross it. A pathway on the sides, up or below, or just so straight by digging. Sheer will-power can get you through that hard, unmoving wall. Now we see a wall of water moving towards you, the first instinct would be to run away but remember that a wave is made of water, it's fluid and you can go through that if you stand your ground. You just need to move with it, study how to use its form and power in order to overcome it. A wave ring tells you that YOU are brave and dauntless. No amount or size of waves can scare you in your journey through life.
Just like how surfers climb backs up to their surfboards, ocean waves instill resilience. You might not have grasped it yet, but the daily ups and downs that we experience are teaching us resilience and how to bounce back up, and continue on. Wave rings are reminders that every failure that we experience in life shows us something. One of the critical characteristics of wellness is resilience. We must learn this as a child for some who didn’t learn this value suffers from depression that is a common illness nowadays. A wave ring can help these people, to remind them that they need to get back and face life head-on. Everyone flops at one point in their life. Like a famous blue fish named Dory said, just keep swimming.
Waiting out in a vast open sea requires patience, for you will never know when the waves are coming. Being prepared requires patience, and a wave ring symbolizes that value. The younger generation tends to be impatient. Studies say that it’s due to the advancement in technology that these individuals have been used to immediate gratification. Fast food deliveries, fast-forwarded games, short movies and others. They have never learned the value of patience. A wave ring symbolizes patience in life, you need to wait for the waves to tolerate its course. In life, emotional pain requires time and patience before you feel better. Physical injuries need also need time and patience to heal for when you had, let’s say a bone injury, you cannot walk on that foot and that requires enormous patience and self-control. A wave ring tells us that in life, waves come and go. Just wait for the right moment when everything is just right. There is no need to rush and face a powerful foe, sometimes you just need to wait.
Rings are a symbol of a life cycle with your parent, its round and usually smooth with some precious stone accents. A wave ring is also made with a circle shape but with some curves and twist like an actual wave. Sometimes it resembles a heart wave while some look like a crown. A wave ring for couples denotes a promise to stay by each other side no matter that situation. Like, what we typically hear from ceremonies, thick and thin, ups and downs of life, which is an adorable and heartwarming symbol for couples. Be the wind that lifts the wave as high as possible by supporting one another even on trying times.
Satinski sells adjustable wave ring made with high quality materials that are practical for everyday use, feels great on your finger. To crown it all, every Satinski wave ring comes with an adjustable stick to keep the perfectly round shape thanks to a hidden adjustable band that keeps timeless beauty.